Menstruation Tea
Why suffer through the pain, a traditional blend of herbs formulated to ease the discomfort of your menstrual cycle and getting you through those tough days.
Target mood: Women's HealthTaste: Sweet floral, earthy
Caffeine: Caffeine-free
Ingredients: Fennel seed, Ginger, Calendula Marigold Petals, Lemon Balm, Nettle Leaf
Direction: Steep 1 tea bag or 1tsp of loose leaves in hot water 2-5min
Takes about an hour to work, lasting about 4 hours. Can take 2-3 times a day during your menstruation cycle. Not advise to use when breastfeeding.
Target Ingredients
Fennel Seed has been traditionally used for menstrual cramps, bloating, regulate menstrual cycles. It has anti-inflammatory properties which can help relax and soothe muscles
Calendula Petals is also know for its anti-inflammatory properties. Packed with antioxidants that can normalize the effects of oxidative stress in the body and regulate the female reproductive system.
(Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by health Canada. It does not intent to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Always consult with your doctor if your taking any medications, pregnant or breastfeeding. )